Small Stuff PrintMini

About Small Stuff

& Jim's PrintMini

In Spring of 2011, Jim Collins - long a member of the Small Stuff Board of Directors - contacted Anne Gerdes and Noella Slater, Small Stuff's co-owners, and asked us if we would take over the the PrintMini web site. It had been a labor of love into which he had put countless hours, but his life's priorities had changed and he felt he had been neglecting the site's upkeep for some time.

We were happy to help keep this wonderful resource going for the online miniatures community. Small Stuff was founded with a similar sharing philosophy - a desire to benefit the dollhouse miniature hobby all over the world. Primarily, Small Stuff was a Miniature Newsletter Digest that came out daily in email form. Tips have been archived, available to everyone: Miniature Tip Archives.